17 Brand new Facebook Timeline profile themes and Skins

Recently Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg announced the Brand new user interface for Facebook profiles which know as Facebook “TimeLine”. Timeline is more wider then old Facebook profile and include lot more visual graphic compare to old Facebook Profile. but if you want to more personalized your own Facebook Timeline profile then here is 17 useful creative Facebook theme for Facebook user to enhance their Facebook Timeline profile.
here is the different theme which is used in future.

defult theme setup you install in this post: facebook timeline setup

download alltheme from here:

Dark gold shiny theme for Facebook timeline profile

Dark gold Shiny theme for Facebook timeline profile user. Author : “DaedalusIcarusHelios” User can change theme wallpaper by using theme wallpaper Options.

Dark gray transparent Facebook theme for timeline User

Dark Shiny Pink Static Facebook timeline profile theme

Dark Shiny pink Transparency theme for Facebook timeline

Dark shiny plum stripe Facebook Timeline theme

shiny purple transparent theme for Facebook timeline

Dark Gray Static, transparency Facebook Timeline profile themes

Dark orange shiny Facebook timeline profile Skin

Dark Shiny Red timeline Theme for Facebook

Skies of Orion Facebook timeline theme

Dark Yellow transparent Facebook timeline theme

Deus Ex – Human Revolution theme for Facebook timeline profile

Dark Shiny blue Transparency Facebook timeline Skin/Theme

Dark teal shiny timeline profile theme for Facebook

Facebook timeline theme -“Dark Shiny Green Transparency”

Dark Shiny Green Galaxy theme for Facebook timeline



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