easily collect bonus,claim item and get item in facebook farmville

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you always worry about collect item one by one but here is the easy way to collect all item without any click.
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Replace your letest facebook look in old look like top stories

Facebook rolled out its latest set of changes this week, dramatically altering the News Feed and adding a Twitter-like ticker to the page.

Many longtime users have complained about the changes, particularly the one that adds a "New Top Stories" module on top of the "recent Posts" stream. Facebook execs said their hope is to make Facebook read more like a newspaper, with posts you are likely to be most interested in at the top.

Share with facebook in google reader

 Adds a "Preview button" that allows you to view actual article in a frame. Clicking again on that button goes back to RSS view. Does work both in List view and expanded view.

when you see any frame then it easy to also work.

Now some easy step to how to install this greasemonkey scrept.