We all are using internet everyday, we are visiting many sites and doing many things while browsing.
But if we have some knowledge about the browsing then we can increase our browsing productivity.
so here i have give some tips to increase speed of our browsing:
1. Use a Modern Web Browser
Modern Browser like Mozilla Firefox and Chrome provides you lot of inbuilt features . With the use of these features you don’t always need to open this or that website . For example Firefox has inbuilt search bar , you can use it any time by just putting your query in the box to search without going to Google.com or Bing
2. Add useful Extensions/Plug-ins/Add-ons
Most of modern web browsers supports extensions plugins or addons , firefox is best in this area with over 2 billion addons and extensions .You can browse the directory of add-ons and extensions for FireFox , Google Chrome and Safari . Add useful addons and extensions that suits your work or profession . 3 . Learn Keyboard Shortcuts
Studies have proved that we can work faster with keyboard than mouse . A lot of time can be saved by not moving your hand from keyboard to mouse frequently . By learning keyboard shortcuts you can navigate whole web pages , click links ,cycle through tabs all without touching the mouse . You can check the list of standard shortcuts for Firefox , Chrome , Internet Explorer, and Apple Safari . 4. Set your start page to blank
Start page is the page that is loaded when you open a new tab or window , we generally set it Google , yahoo or some news site . We are not always intended to visit the site that is loaded by default .Even if you wanted to search for something, it’s far easier to type into the search bar at the top than to actually visit Google.com. So open your browser’s preference and set that page to “about:blank”, which means “don’t load a page at all”.
5. Use password management tools
You can save some time by letting your browser remember passwords (not if everyone uses your PC) . Password management tools are quite useful for those who don’t use same password for all accounts , which I believe everybody should do . Keypass is one such free password management tool