Here are some of the top cloud space providers:
Drop Box:
It provides 2 GB of cloud space to the free users but the users can get extra space of 16 GB by referring it to others. Referring to 32 users can extend your space from 2 GB to 18 GB. You and the referred one will get 500 MB space for every referral. So you can get a total of 18 GB cloud space.
Google Drive:
Just released Google product gives every user a 5GB cloud space on the cloud to store their files. The user interface is very good in Google Drive. Just yesterday I got my account there and I love it.
Sky Drive:
It is from Windows Live and they provide 7GB to free users to sore data. But Skydrive is now integrated with Windows 8 and so company offered 25GB cloud space to everyone. But you will get that only when you exceed the 7GB mark.
It provides 50GB of Online Cloud Space for free; so that you can store big files under 2GB. But it is very good as it gives 50 GB, more than any other.
It provides 5GB of online cloud space to free users and you can share files through links like that of Dropbox.
Sugar Sync:
It provides 5GB cloud space to free users.With Sugar Sync you get online back up, file sharing and access from any device.
Over All Space,
Drop Box + Google Drive + Sky Drive + ADrive + Box + Sugar Sync
= (18+5+25+50+5 + 5) GB= 108GB
All the above services have same features like syncing to devices, on the move access to files etc. So, what else? Enjoy your files anywhere, anytime…
Extra info because you always like something extra.
- 10GB extra is available in Gmail.
- HTC users on Android receive extra 3GB free space if they have a 2011 device with Sense 3.0 or 3.5, and even extra 23GB if they have a 2012 device with Sense 4.0.
- Box offers 50GB free space to Android users.
- Again hi-drive provides 5GB free space.
- Drivehq provides 1GB and there are many such providers.
Now if you go for the extra then you will get additional 88GB i.e. no need to pay, just need to enjoy (190+ GB), i.e. around 200GB..