Run android apps and games on windows os

The explosion of Android handsets across different price segments has made developers flock in hordes to the Android ecosystem. The Android Market already has amassed more than half a million apps, and given its growth rate, a million apps doesn’t look very far away. While many of the apps are silly and low quality, there are plenty of gems too. There are several awesome Android apps like Cut the Rope and Pulse that will be a joy to use even on the larger and clunkier form factors. Unfortunately, baring a few exceptions like the Angry Birds, none of the Android apps are available for Windows.

Twitter + Facebook + Google Plus =; A New Social Networking Site by UberMedia

Entrepreneur and investor Bill Gross, the CEO of UberMedia, a social media company that specialized in creating social networking apps like Echofon and UberSocial/Twidroyid, has officially launched a new social networking site, which is supposedly the clone of – Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus – called is basically, well yet another social

BSNL Website Hacked by Pakistani Hacker

BSNL just can’t get enough of the negative lime-light. It has not even been two months since we reported BSNL getting compromised, and here we are again. A self-proclaimed Pakistani hacker has defaced a public BSNL page. Last time, we revealed a serious security flaw in an internal application at BSNL called Dotsoft, and funnily enough, the vulnerability still exists.
Apparently, Dotsoft became a hot topic with ethical hackers earlier in 2009, here is a clear proof-of-concept hack attempt aimed at Dotsoft. Though, this time, the situation is even worse. Today, a

Get back old Gmail look

Google recently rolled out a new interface for Gmail  to all it’s users. The interface is in line with most of the design changes that have been brought about by Google. It all started when they decided to add a Bing link background to their homepage and continued with a slew of other changes including removing the “I am feeling Lucky” buttonusing a new design for search results and yet moresimplifying the image search resultsadding top references to results and more.
However, not many people are actually liking the design and unlike earlier the options to switch back to old Gmail have changed. If you

Send an email and access all blocked website

There may be many times when certain websites /webpages are blocked in offices or schools, though there are several ways in which you can access those blocked pages, administrators are getting smarter day by day, and with such tricks being published openly on the Internet, you can be sure that you are not the only one reading it, your system administrator may already have read about it and blocked those proxy servers or workarounds.
But fear not, there is a cool new workaround

How to Hide the Hard-Disk partitions in windows

If we have personal data in one partition of harddisk and we have to protect it from others. Is it possible to Hide the whole partition of our hard disk???
Yes it is possible with one trick in windows. It is simple one command from which you can hide your hard disk partitions .
Follow the steps:open your START menu and go to RUN.
  1. Type "diskpart" in RUN
  2. After this a command window will open
  3. Then type "list volume" in that command window you will get all the content of your hard disk