Replace your letest facebook look in old look like top stories

Facebook rolled out its latest set of changes this week, dramatically altering the News Feed and adding a Twitter-like ticker to the page.

Many longtime users have complained about the changes, particularly the one that adds a "New Top Stories" module on top of the "recent Posts" stream. Facebook execs said their hope is to make Facebook read more like a newspaper, with posts you are likely to be most interested in at the top.

The new Ticker is also prompting a lot of complaints. It now sits in the right-hand column of the page, just above the chat module. It allows users to see short, recent comments from friends and looks a lot like a Twitter stream.
If you prefer the old look of Facebook, you can get it back with several browser extensions that promise to strip out the new changes.
The Google Chrome Extension "Facebook Ticket Remover" strips out the ticker from the page, but it leaves the other changes alone.
If you're looking for a more extreme rollback, F.B. Purity might be the best choice for you. It strips features such as chat and updates from your pages and can also remove the Ticker, as well as application spam (such as game notifications) from your stream. This browser extension is available for Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, and Opera.
Better Facebook is another browser extension that makes similar alterations, although it does not work with Internet Explorer. It does offer a couple of useful options, including the ability to hide posts that have been read as well as remove recent activity from profiles.


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