Save your self from Black pins in cyber cafes

Here i have put new message for daily cyber cafe users:
If you are visit cayber cafe daily just see the back side of the CPU if you found any black pin attached with CPU then don't use that system.
This type of message you might have seen on facebook.The look of that message is somewhat like this:
Dear friends, If you visit a cyber cafe and find find any black pin attached to ...your CPU as shown in the picture, kindly do not use that system. This pin is actually a connection which save all your data you enter in the system.
Thus it is a risk to your privacy over net. Risk to passwords, banking or any data you entered.

but today here i am going to tell you what is that black pin.
This pin is called keylogger it is a hardware component which is connected to computer. Generally that stores logs of all the key strokes on the keyboard.
so i advised the  internet cafe users to do not use that type of system
How to Prevent your self  from this keylogger:
If you see the key logger at anywhere do not enter the sensitive data like your email password & bank password but in today's world you can found a software like keylogger installed in the computer which you can't see.
But here i have a trick to get rid of this type of problem 
To get rid you can use ON SCREEN KEYBOARD
To use on screen keyboard press WINDOWS+U (windows key and U)
You can use the on screen keyboard to enter your sensitive data.


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