How to attract girl on facebook

Step I: How you talk!
This step comprises of things related to your typing style to your sense of humor, to how much you can engage a woman in talking with you. To be clear, a woman needs one chat to find that she wants to talk to you or not. She'd get interested by your profile, your style in the pictures and that would get her to chat with you, or message. 

While chatting things you need to notice: 
Don't type like Hi mY nAme iZZ bL%&@That's just immature and stupid, except if you are talking to a 15 year old and you are yourself 13. Make sure you type like a human being who has a job which is not cleaning someone's car outside the parkway - even if you do that, type like you don't. I am not saying it's 'the most' important thing or something, but it does have psychological implications. You don't want to show that you are a Junkie, or dyslexic, or you have never been to college and typed a real paper on something. 

Most useful step are here:

Step I -Your profile is looking very attractive as much aspossible as below picture
To make this type of profile picture go here:GO Now

If you do not interest in this type of your profile view you can change as this:

want your profile as below:GO Here 

Other things to know is:

- Put good status messages. 
Your status message is the thing that is reaching to her, when your personal message is not. So it is a kind of more than private thing. She is reading that. Make sure it is not toilet humor or just for guys thing. And that is totally for you to decide for kind of joke is acceptable and what is not. For example: Don't get to chauvinistic with your jokes, don't make fun of women's body parts, et cetera.  What you can do is, if you read much, you can put good quotes from writers, nice pictures on your wall, jokes that actually are funny - stay on the neutral side rather than being too extreme on any end. 

Drag her in on your stuff. 
Facebook has an amazing feature of tagging people. This way you can share with them what you do, for example: If you are a musician, you can tag her in your video, or message her your track; if you are a writer, you can write notes, and tag her in them; if you are into photography, tag; if you are a painter or into sketching, tag. It doesn't matter if it's your job or not. It could be your hobby too.



Most dating sites that I have tried have been quite disappointing. They are ok for a laugh but not if you really are looking for something. So I searched for dating website for real relationship and I found this and it was really good, it is a good way to see what is out there. There are a lot of different people in different countries, but some good ones too. The good thing about it is that it's totally secure because they have the feature of video chatting with these girls so you'll not share your personal contacts unless you're 100% sure , One thing that I really liked was the tips on how to avoid scam and fraud.

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