Now you will see the "plus one" button in Adsense Ads

In a move to make it's Plus one button even more visible All over the web, Google will soon display a Plus One button next to all Adsense Advertisements on partner sites. So, if you are an Adsense publisher and use Advert units from Adsense on your website, you are soon going to see a burst of Plus One buttons all across your website.

If you think that this move from Google won't benefit you much and is just a way for Google to integrate it's Plus One button into everything, then you are wrong. Here is how the Plus One button on Adsense Ads on your website will actually help you to increase the click through rates on advertisements that are displayed on your website and ultimately fetching you more money.
Next to the Plus One button in ads, users will see faces of their friends who have +1'ed the ad already thus giving them a feeling that the particular ad has been beneficial to their friends. So, here is a kind of ad recommendation engine which is at work. These recommendations will eventually lead your readers to notice ads on your site more which leads to more clicks and higher returns for you over time.
However, as a publisher if you still want to opt out of displaying the Plus One buttons from Adsense ads on your website, then see this tutorial on how to remove Plus One buttons from Adsense.
For advertisers, the Plus One button will help them in reaching their target audience in a better and effective way and might pave a way for group deals for their customers.
Here is how the Plus One button enabled Google Adsense Ads will look like when they are finally made live by Google starting from the coming October:


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